Call for tenders: Researchers for the 2022 edition of the Nuclear Weapons Ban Monitor
Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) calls for tenders for senior research consultancy services for the production of the 2022 edition of the Nuclear Weapons Ban Monitor. The scope of the services sought are 5-10 consultancies for up to 400 hours each in the period November 2022-March 2023, depending on the combination of the qualifications and availability of the chosen bidders.

The Nuclear Weapons Ban Monitor is a research programme established and managed by NPA. It evaluates the nuclear-weapons-related policies and practices of each of the 197 states that can become party to global treaties for which the Secretary-General of the UN is the depositary. It uses the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) as the primary yardstick against which the progress towards the elimination of nuclear weapons is measured, and also tracks the status of the 197 states in relation to all the other relevant multilateral treaties and regimes dealing with nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction (WMD), including the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), the nuclear-weapon-free zone treaties, the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), the Partial Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, Comprehensive Safeguards Agreements and Additional Protocols with the International Atomic Energy Agency, the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), and the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC). Thus, the programme provides a unique one-stop source for information on the status of all states in relation to all components of the existing architecture for elimination of weapons of mass destruction, and encourages universal adherence to all of them.
Every year, NPA includes new expertise in the research. Each new contributor verifies, builds on and further develops the analysis of former contributors, to continuously enhance the quality, relevance and legitimacy of our product. For the 2022 edition of the Nuclear Weapons Ban Monitor, external expertise will be commissioned to implement the following work packages.
- Data collection and analysis on increases/reductions in nuclear-weapons inventories and on nuclear-weapon systems under development.
- Legal assessment of all states’ compliance or compatibility with the TPNW.
- Research on umbrella states and policies and practices that assist and encourage retention of nuclear weapons.
- Analysis on contextual developments related to security, nuclear disarmament and arms control.
- Data collection and analysis on progress towards universal application of Comprehensive Safeguards Agreements and Additional Protocols with the IAEA and on development of verification measures for nuclear disarmament.
- Research on rights-based support to victims of nuclear-weapons testing and environmental remediation after nuclear-weapons testing.
- Research on progress in and promotion of universal adherence to the TPNW.
- Research on patterns of participation within the TPNW and other disarmament forums.
- Database management.
The planned launch date for the 2022 edition of the Nuclear Weapons Ban Monitor is 1 March 2023. A timeline for the work will be developed and agreed between the consultant and NPA as part of the contract.
Address, deadline and period of validity
Questions regarding the tender shall be directed to:
Grethe Lauglo Østern, NPA’s Managing Editor of Nuclear Weapons Ban Monitor
Mobile: + 47 900 78 208
The bid shall be sent via email to the email address provided below, along with an indication of the area(s) of work you wish to contribute to and which weeks you would be available for in the period November 2022-March 2023. The bid must contain a price structure and any special conditions under which the consultancy will be performed.
Email address:
with the following text in the subject line: «Ban Monitor Consultancy 2022 edition»
Deadline: October 10 2022
Bids arriving after the deadline may be rejected. The bid shall be valid for 30 days after the tender deadline. Costs related to the development of the bid will not be refunded.
Criteria for Selection
A successful consultant will need to document a solid understanding of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation issues and/or international humanitarian and disarmament law, as well as the humanitarian and political parameters underpinning the TPNW, in addition to demonstrated ability to deliver high-quality analysis within agreed timelines.
NPA will score the bids with the following criteria:
- Technical and/or legal expertise: 25%
- Experience: 25%
- Ability to deliver within timeline: 25%
- Price: 25%
NPA will select the bidders that overall present the most relevant bids for NPA, and maintain the right to use or cancel received bids according to circumstances.
Selection process
Bids will be opened only after the October 10 deadline. The bids will be opened and reviewed by a select committee of NPA employees, including as a minimum, one employee from a department separate from the Department for Mine Action and Disarmament. The bids will be confidential and NPA will keep all information from bidders confidential.
NPA retains the right to contact bidders first for follow-up and clarification after the bids have been opened. NPA retains the right to reject some or all of the bids received.
Other information
The bidder is responsible for the necessary registration related to payment.
Payment will be done on the basis of invoices from the consultant according to the contracts entered into and timelines agreed.
The consultant is responsible for his/her own taxes, insurances, pensions and health care and all other work-related expenses.
Any field research trips will be covered by NPA.