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The status of the TPNW

At the close of 2024, 98 states—half of the world’s total of 197—had firmly demonstrated their rejection of nuclear weapons and their political will for progress in nuclear disarmament by becoming states parties or signatories to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). Overall, the share of states supportive of the TPNW increased to exactly 70%, and close to 80% of the population living in the world’s 188 non-nuclear-armed states were represented by governments that support the TPNW.

Figure 1 uten tittel
Global distribution of support for the TPNW, as of 31.12.2024
Category Criterion for TPNW support category
States parties States that have either signed and ratified or acceded to the TPNW.
Signatories States that have signed the TPNW but not yet ratified it.
Other supporters States that are not in category 1 or 2 but whose most recent vote in the UN on the TPNW (the adoption of the Treaty on 7 July 2017 or on the subsequent annual UN General Assembly resolutions on the TPNW) was 'yes'.
Undecided All states that are not in category 1 or 2 and whose most recent vote in the UN on the TPNW (the adoption of the Treaty on 7 July 2017 or on the subsequent annual UN General Assembly resolutions on the TPNW) was an abstention, or which never participated in such a vote.
Opposed All states that are not in category 1 or 2 and whose most recent vote in the UN on the TPNW (the adoption of the Treaty on 7 July 2017 or on the subsequent annual UN General Assembly resolutions on the TPNW) was 'no'
Figur 3 uten tittel
Regional distribution of support for the TPNW, as of 31.12.2024
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Figure 5 uten tittel