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Compliance and compatibility with the prohibitions of the TPNW

One hundred and fifty states—76% of the total in the world—already abide by all of the prohibitive norms that the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) has established. But a sizeable minority of 45 states (almost 23%), engaged in a range of activities in 2024 that in different ways conflicted with the TPNW, while the conduct of two states was of concern. Of the 45 states, 32—more than 70%—are European. To avoid remaining between the international community and the fulfilment of the United Nations’ long-standing goal of the elimination of nuclear weapons, they would all have to make varying degrees of changes to their existing policies and practices.

Untitled design 21
Article 1(1) Prohibitions
Figure 9 uten tittel
Compliance and compatibility with the prohibitions of the TPNW in 2024: Summary of findings across all states
The TPNW and 'nuclear deterrence'