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Press release 4 March 2025: The number of nuclear weapons ready for use continues to increase

Oslo/Geneva/New York: The Nuclear Weapons Ban Monitor published by Norwegian People’s Aid in cooperation with the Federation of American Scientists shows the number of nuclear weapons available for use has increased from 9,585 at the beginning of 2024 to 9,604 at the beginning of 2025. That is equivalent to just over 146,500 of the bombs that destroyed Hiroshima killing 140,000 people in 1945. 40 % of these weapons are deployed and ready for immediate use on submarines and land-based missiles, as well as at bomber bases.

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Mackenzie Knight photographed as she took part in a rally in front of the United Nations during the Second Meeting of States Parties to the TPNW on 27 November-1 December 2023. Photo: Erik McGregor/Sipa USA/Alamy Live News/NTB