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States parties


Benin participated in the Second Meeting of States Parties to the TPNW (2MSP) in November and December 2023 but did not make a statement.

TPNW Status

26 Sep 2018
11 Dec 2020 (Ratification)
11 Mar 2021
Received 9 Apr 2021
TPNW Article 1(1) prohibitions: Compliance in 2023
(a) Develop, produce, manufacture, acquire Compliant
Test Compliant
Possess or stockpile Compliant
(b) Transfer Compliant
(c) Receive transfer or control Compliant
(d) Use Compliant
Threaten to use Compliant
(e) Assist, encourage or induce Compliant
(f) Seek or receive assistance Compliant
(g) Allow stationing, installation, deployment Compliant
TPNW voting and participation
UNGA resolution on TPNW (latest vote) Voted yes (2024)
Participated in 2MSP (2023) Yes
2MSP delegation size (% women) 1 (0%)
Adoption of TPNW (7 July 2017) Voted yes
Participated in TPNW negotiations (2017) Yes
Negotiation mandate (A/RES/71/258) Did not vote
Other weapons of mass destruction (WMD) treaties
Party to an NWFZ Yes (Ratified 2007, Pelindaba)
Party to the NPT Yes (Ratified 1972)
Ratified the CTBT Yes (Ratified 2001)
Party to the BWC Yes (Ratified 1975)
Party to the CWC Yes (Ratified 1998)
IAEA safeguards and fissile material
Safeguards agreement Yes (17 Sep 2019)
TPNW Art 3(2) deadline N/A
Small Quantities Protocol Yes (Modified)
Additional Protocol Yes
Enrichment facilities/reprocessing plants No
HEU stocks No
Plutonium stocks No

Latest developments

In a statement marking the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons on 26 September 2023, the African Group, of which Benin is a member, urged ‘all members of the international community, especially nuclear-weapon States and those under the so-called “nuclear umbrella”, to seize the opportunity to sign and ratify the [TPNW] at an early date as well as pursue the goal of a nuclear-weapon-free world’.1


  • Benin should continue to encourage other states to adhere to the TPNW.

  • Benin should ensure that all the TPNW obligations are implemented domestically, through legal, administrative, and other necessary measures.

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