The legality of uranium mining and export under the TPNW
Several states that mine and export uranium have adhered to the 2017 Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), including Kazakhstan, Namibia, and South Africa.

13 Mar 2020

New NPA report on participation in multilateral disarmament meetings
Who actually participates in multilateral disarmament meetings?

04 Mar 2020

Sobering study on consequences of India-Pakistan nuclear-war
A new study by Brian Toon, Alan Robock and others, published early October 2019 in Science Advances, provides sobering insight into the consequences of a potential nuclear war between India and Pakistan.

14 Oct 2019

Setting the deadline for nuclear weapon destruction under the TPNW
The First Meeting of States Parties to the TPNW will be obligated to set the deadlines for the destruction of a state party’s nuclear weapons and for the removal of a foreign state’s nuclear weapons (hosting arrangements).

08 Oct 2019