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The obligation to cooperate with and assist other states parties

At the Second Meeting of States Parties to the TPNW (2MSP) in December 2023, states parties decided to submit a report to the Third Meeting of States Parties (3MSP) in March 2025 ‘with recommendations related to the feasibility of, and possible guidelines for, establishing an international trust fund for victim assistance and environmental remediation, with the aim of examining the establishment of such a trust fund at the third Meeting of States Parties as a priority.’ As noted in the preceding section, in 2024 the informal working group on Articles 6 and 7 convened on 21 February, 25 March, 24 April, 30 May, and 26 September to discuss, among other issues, cooperation and assistance.

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A photograph, taken from a drone on 16 September 2022, shows the ‘Atomic Lake’ at the former Semipalatinsk nuclear test site in Kazakhstan. Semipalatinsk was once the Soviet Union's primary test area for nuclear weapons. Photo: Kyodo/NTB